Космические моды на майнкрафт 1.12 2.

Discover the solar system in your spaceship with galacticraft mod download for Minecraft. This Mod introduces four new dimensions and lets you travel to new planets with your own spaceship and able to explore dungeons and many more. Visit the site to download galacticraft mod and add great unique features to Minecraft!!

Galacticraft Mod 1.13 and 1.12.2 is a fabulous mod that allows you to explore the solar system in your own spaceship, it adds great features unique to . When minecraft first came out, no one ever thought that it could reach the level it has been able to reach today. Thanks to the developers of different mods that are aimed at making the game to stand out from the crowd. In the same vein, with the game of minecraft, innovations tend to know no boundaries and one way it has been evident is in the advent of Galacticraft 3 Mod. For one second, just imagine going to planets that you never thought you could visit. If you are going to be doing an upgrade to , then you truly find this one fun – filled.

What is Galacticraft 3 Mod made up of?

With this mod being introduced to the game of minecraft, it can be said that exploration has been redefined. This is because now you can travel to places that you only thought were possible to visit in your imaginations. Now you fly in a rocket ship to any planet that you want to visit. Once you can get access to those materials that will required of you to make your ship, you are just one step away from having that adventure of your life.

One fantastic thing about this mod is that it happens to be one of those few mods which can be played with Tekkit. They are very much compatible with each other that you won’t experience any kind of problem even if you are going to be doing an upgrade to minecraft 1.10 version.

With this mod, one thing is for sure and that is fact that in a space ship of your own, you can check out new planets any time you feel like.

The introduction of Galacticraft Mod in Minecraft

With the advent of a mod such as Galacticraft, there is no doubting the fact that minecraft players can now explore the game beyond what they used to do. If you can download this tool today, you will definitely see another level of exploration which you haven’t been exposed to all this while. Are you searching for something extra that you can explore in your world? If that is the case then this mod has got alot to offer and you will definitely be convinced by the time you are able to download it.

With a tool such as this at your disposal, you will not only be in possession of a spaceship but also will be able to get another planet explored. There are about 4 dimensions introduced by Galacticraft into the world of minecraft. Now players will have the chance to check out planets that are new. If you have always loved visiting other planets then this mod is definitely for you to make use of. It is really exciting to visit those planets that you have always imagined. There are dungeons and lots of places that you can explore in them.

If there is one thing which is clear about this tool, such is the fact that it really explains the level of creativity which minecraft is known for as game. Failure to download it could mean that you are missing out on the game’s fun side without knowing.

Galacticraft Mod Screenshots:

Changelog Galacticraft 3 Mod:

In other for this mod to work perfectly so that you can enjoy it to its fullest, here are some things that have put in place.

  • Every unnecessary info file is completely removed.
  • Language files are auto – updated.
  • Asteriod cores have been very much improved.

Features of Galacticraft 3 Mod

  • It allows you to easily travel to different planets.
  • You have the freedom to have your space ship created and fully customized the way you would want it to be like.
  • It gives the opportunity for the exploration of other planets as well as the moon.
  • It fully supports multiple languages.
  • There are plenty of new items.

Minecraft Spaceship Mod Showcase:

Galacticraft Mod Installation

  1. Download and install .
  2. Download .
  3. Open the Mods folder for that go in Start and Run : %appdata%\.minecraft/mods.
  4. Drag the files to your mods folder (once downloaded Minecraft Forge and test it should auto create this folder).
  5. Open your and make sure to use the profile the forge api created.

Note: If you are still having to download or install the file, do not hesitate to ask for help in the comments below, we will respond in less than 24 hours.

Download Galacticraft Mod for Minecraft

“All Mods on this site are posted on third party sites, or were not hosted by us, we keep the original download link created by the creator of mods, follow the download link below.”
Official Links for Minecraft 1.10.2/1.10/1.9/1.8/1.7.10:

Galacticraft Forum Thread

В солнечный день захотел посетить мой сайт и найти для себя и своей игры что-то новенькое. Сейчас я предложу для всех мега крутой и популярный мод на космос и связанное с космическим пространством в игре minecraft. Не понимаю, чего выкладываю только сейчас, а не раньше. Хорошее и просто эпичное дополнение. Не видел на сколько продуманных и хорошо сделанных модов на космос в игре minecraft. В данной новости я смогу познакомиться игрока с этим модом и просто таки уверен что он понравиться. Читаем обзор, знакомимся и приятной игры!

Модификация называется - Galacticraft. Дополнение позволит игроку создавать космические ракеты, строить космические станции для их запуска, летать на ракетах в космос прямо в видеоигре Майнкрафт. Мод хорошо продуман, дает возможность к примеру улететь на Луну или Марс и там построить вместе с друзьями свою колонию. Выращивать на другой планете еду, добывать электричество и делать многое остальное как настоящий космонавт. Для крутых пацанов которые хотят стать космонавтами и улететь на Луну то мод Galacticraft подойдет! Вы полностью сможете исследователь Солнечную систему в своем собственном космическом корабле. Это дополнение добавляет 4 новых измерения, они будут сделаны как бы планеты Солнечной системы. Марс, астероиды и настоящая космическая станция. Космическая ракета будет строиться при помощи самых лучших технологий НАСА. Существует три уровня ракеты. Первая ступень позволит долетать на Луну и до космической станции. Вторая поможет добраться до Марса, а третья до астероидов. Постройка и полет ракеты не будет нуждаться в бензине или топливе. Выходя в открытый космос игроку нужно будет одеть на себя скафандр и баллоны с воздухом, они дадут возможность дышать в космосе и на других планетах где нет кислорода. В общем всё продуманно и сделана как в настоящей жизни! А теперь список некоторых особенностей мода Galacticraft.

- Создание солнечной системы;
- Создание своего собственного космического корабля;
- Полет на новые планеты и спутник земли - Луну;
- Игра вместе с друзьями;
- Мод поддерживает несколько языков;
- Новые мобы;
- Куча новых рецептов, элементов и блоков;
- Подземелья;
- Настройка мода.

На картинках внизу смотрим как выглядит и что из себя представляет мод на самом деле. На этих картинках всё видно, а в самом низу под спойлером показаны все рецепты, откройте его чтобы увидеть.


Полный список рецептов:

На этом у меня всё, мод реально стоит Вашего внимания. Качайте бесплатно и летите осваивать космос!

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