Fresh flowers for the bedroom on the windowsill. Holly Magonia - spectacular and unpretentious

A distinctive feature of the residential interior is the active inclusion of greenery in it, the use of its hygienic and aesthetic qualities. Moreover, in comparison with other design details, indoor plants in the interior of an apartment often occupy a neutral position.

Positive aspects of landscaping

Greenery in the interior can solve several problems, for example:

  • both artificial and natural flowers can contribute to the ecological balance of the human environment;
  • the abundance of green helps to facilitate the visual work of the eyes;
  • indoor plants in the interior can increase air humidity.

In addition, green compositions, both artificial and living, can visually change the proportions of the room and significantly increase the color expressiveness of the design of the living space.

Interesting information for the owners of small rooms! the position of the green composition, in which in the foreground are larger plants, and in the depths - those that are smaller, visually lengthens the space.

The green group can have both independent artistic value and, used as a background, can emphasize the merits of works of art, such as:

  • collections of sea shells;
  • plastic;
  • butterflies.

How a houseplant paints a place

A comfortable existence in the walls of the apartment depends on how correctly the plants are selected depending on the activities taking place here. For example, in the rooms for sleeping and mental work, a neutral working environment is welcomed, and the greenery must correspond to it.


When planning, try to avoid the accumulation of living indoor plants in the interior that “steal” oxygen in the room (at night, flowers consume oxygen, and during the day they release it). You can replace them with similar artificial flowers.

Aloe and Kalanchoe   - plants that suitable for placement in the bedroombecause they emit oxygen at night. Aloe is also worthwhile because extracts are prepared from its healing leaves that increase the protective functions of the body. And the juice of this “green friend” heals the skin and prolongs its youth.


Flowers should be selected in the nursery so that they have a beneficial effect on the child, especially at the psychoemotional and physical level.

Fern (nephrolepsis) and adiantum (venerein hair)   - have a calming effect, affect mainly the nervous system. Cyclamen and fat girl develop a person’s creative abilities and hard work. And salinolysis and Uzambara violet bring a good mood and a positive attitude, help relieve a depressive state.

Important! you need to know the measure and it is better to limit yourself to two or three small plants in the room.


For example, for the kitchen, you should buy plants that can tolerate temperature extremes. Aloe, ficus, asparagus, as well as any artificial flowers can tolerate kitchen aromas and heat.


"Pike tail" or sansevieria   - It looks very interesting in any room. This flower is extremely unpretentious and hardy - it will easily take root not only on the well-lit sunny windowsill of the kitchen, but also in a dark place, and will withstand even the shadow in the hallway. In the hallway, which is usually deficient in daylight, nevertheless, both living plants and artificial flowers can quite safely exist, which can bring comfort to it.

Aspidistra    - modest in its beauty, but at the same time it is difficult not to notice it. This houseplant has endurance and the ability to exist in any conditions - a real gift for the hallway and kitchen.

Ferns   Its bright greenery and graceful form of plants fit perfectly into any interior. There are many varieties of them, and for some - the need for light is not very great.

Monstera    - a completely shade-tolerant plant, and if a saxifrage with green leaves or small-leaved philodendrons are planted into it in a pot, such a spectacular composition can decorate the interior of the hallway and kitchen.

Living room

The center of active gardening in the apartment is a living room, and its compositions are selected for it. For a common room, you should choose bright or large types of flowers. Zamiokulkas, or “dollar tree”, is an ideal accent option of landscaping. He will decorate any interior of the living room, giving it a kind of "European", despite its "African" origin.

When outdoor living or artificial flowers are placed in the living room, they are usually installed in the recreation area - near armchairs, deck chairs.

Vriesia It received the name "Flaming Sword" because of its spectacular striated leaves and bright spike-shaped inflorescences - orange or red. It is amazingly suitable for creating bright accents in the interior of the living room, especially if it is placed in a well-lit place.

Anthurium    It will also help to “add fire” in the living room with its red shades, regardless of whether the flowers are artificial or living. Outwardly, this “handsome” resembles the graceful flamingo bird with its bright red color; it is shade tolerant, but it will bloom only in a bright living room. Most often, decorative vases with branches, artificial flowers or large living plants are installed on the living room floor.

A correctly selected pot will be able to emphasize the beauty of the indoor flower in the interior of the apartment, so its choice is no less responsible action than the acquisition of the plant itself. So, a modest sansevieria (pike tail) will “play” with other colors, if you place the flower in a pot of gold color.

On a note! You can achieve sophistication of style in the interior in a simple way: choose the right color and shape of the pot for indoor plants.

When choosing a container, follow the rules:

  1. Focus on the style of your apartment:
  2. To match the flower pot, for plants with mono-colored leaves, choose bright, but not flashy colors, products, but for variegated ones - monophonic containers are better. A flowering plant that loses its decorativeness during the off-season also needs to be maintained with an original pot, for example, a container of glass or metal. Transparent dishes are usually chosen for orchids, and chrome products are most often used as a pot for the kitchen;
  3. in bright monochrome classics, bright pots with home flowers that are quite suitable for the kitchen will fit perfectly;
  4. for a laconic interior in the photo, dishes for indoor plants need to choose a shiny one - black or white;
  5. the interior of the room in a rustic or romantic style, originality will be given by painted containers of sweets or tea, in this case playing the role of pots for indoor plants.

The effect of even the simplest compositions from indoor plants can be enhanced by lighting to emphasize the originality of the interior.

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By purchasing another flower, we do not even know about some of the harmful properties of indoor plants, and then we suddenly notice emerging health problems. If a small child or animals live in the house, then you need to pay special attention to the choice of indoor flowers and plants in order to protect their livelihoods. Some types of plants contain poison in their juice or release harmful substances into oxygen.

In addition to plants that are not recommended to be kept at home, there are adverse effects on the human body of certain colors. In this case, you need to choose the right location for the future green resident without placing him in the bedroom or, conversely, in the kitchen.

There are a lot of disputes and disagreements about dangerous plants in the house. A variety of signs are mixed with all the sayings, which can ultimately confuse the beginning gardener.
  In this article, we will consider plants with which you need to be careful, and to know about the likely consequences for the body and for energy.

List of poisonous plants

This group of plants includes those species that should not be kept at home, especially in the presence of animals or children due to extremely dangerous properties. A child, like a pet, is able to poison themselves with similar flowers or get burns if carelessly handled.

If there are no children and animals in the house, then care must be taken when caring for such plants. Be sure to use gloves when working with these colors and rinse the tools thoroughly. Never cut these flowers with a knife designed for food in your kitchen.

What flowers can not be kept in the bedroom, for many gardeners is an urgent issue. All living things, including humans, need to be in unity with nature, especially for residents of large megalopolises smoked by the harmful smog. And here indoor plants come to the rescue. What flowers can be put in the bedroom will tell this article.

Each flower, like any living creature, has its own character, energy and care features, which is very important to consider when growing them. The main condition for a normal healthy vacation is peace, tranquility and comfort.

Tip: When deciding which flowers to put in the bedroom, first of all, you need to take into account the inner sensations of the person himself, manifested only at one glance at him.

But, regardless of wishes, it is important to remember which flowers can be grown in the bedroom, and which absolutely not. The latter emit not only harmful substances, but are simply poisonous.

Here is some of them:

Type of plant The reasons why it is undesirable to keep it in the bedroom
A beautiful plant is very similar to a small tree, but the poisonous juice secreted by it can cause serious poisoning when it enters the body.
When oxygen is absorbed at night, lilies secrete a lot of carbon dioxide, which causes morning headaches.
It can cause damage to the hair follicles, and then hair loss.
Mimosa pollen can cause allergies.
In general, geranium is a medicinal plant, as it has an excellent wound healing and bactericidal property. An infusion of its leaves has a hypotensive effect.

The problem is that a high concentration of essential oils can not only relieve stress and soothe a headache, but also provoke this same pain. It all depends on the individual reaction of a person to aroma.

Phytoncides secreted by the plant cause allergic reactions in many people.
A stunningly beautiful plant, but its leaves, when ingested, provoke stomach cramps. Therefore, if there are small children in the house, it is better not to breed azalea at all.

Tip: In a house with a small child, the choice of houseplants should be treated with special care - and this applies not only to the bedroom, but also to any other room. The network will always find detailed instructions that will help to understand this issue.

What do the Chinese think about this? What indoor flowers for the bedroom in Feng Shui should not be kept in the bedroom?

Ancient Chinese teaching recommends avoiding thorns, they do not contribute to the establishment of warm relations between people in the bedroom. Place cacti near a computer or in the kitchen. They perfectly absorb electromagnetic waves from household appliances.

By the way, according to Feng Shui, indoor flowers in the bedroom should not have not only needles, but also sharp leaves. Many plants that are quite harmless and even useful fall into this category: palm, dracaena, and even chlorophytum. But this is their opinion, and whether or not to agree with him, everyone decides for himself.

Flowers for decorating the bedroom and promoting health

In addition to such harmful plants, there are many flowers that not only look good in the bedroom, but also enhance human health.

These include:

  • Chlorophytum.   It is able to moisturize and cleanse the air well from microorganisms, neutralize toxic substances such as formaldehyde. In just 24 hours, four adult plants help 70-80% in the bedroom, the area of \u200b\u200bwhich is up to 10 square meters, to clean the air.
  • Spathiphyllum. This plant from the air removes harmful substances entering the room through the window. The plant normalizes the mood and is suitable for almost any person, it is recommended to put it in the bedroom for a healthy and relaxing sleep.
  • Aloe.   It is capable of absorbing up to 90% of formaldehyde released by furniture from particleboard, at night emit oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide.
  • Kalanchoe.   It emits oxygen at night. Relieves depression.
  • Begonia.   It is more useful to use the royal flower - a symbol of material well-being. In addition, it neutralizes harmful microorganisms, and its aroma relieves depression. It is especially recommended in the bedroom of the elderly and in the presence of various diseases.
  • Geranium. It has the ability to kill microbes, ozonize air, remove internal stress, normalizes hormonal levels in women. It is especially useful for insomnia. But, in people prone to allergies, it can cause an exacerbation.
  • Sansevierii, otherwise called mother-in-law or snake tongue, is most suitable for a bedroom. Sansevieria, unlike many flowers at night, produces oxygen. 6-8 leaves of the plant per person are enough, the height of which is up to the waist to normalize the level of oxygen in the bedroom.
  • Cactus. It is better to get it with long needles. It kills microbes and lowers the negative ionization of air, while protecting people from the effects of electromagnetic radiation. For normal development, he needs enough heat and light.

Tip: Cactus is placed in rooms with computers and televisions.

  • Laurel. For a long time it was believed that the best cure for insomnia in a child is a twig of this plant at the head of the crib.
  • Uzambar violet   not only beautiful but also useful.

Field bouquet

A bouquet of wildflowers is often kept as a keepsake from a trip to nature. But not all of them are designed for this. Beautiful flowers, a pleasant aroma will not leave a woman indifferent.

In the bedroom do not put:

  • Lily of the valley.
  • Sleep grass.
  • Jasmine.
  • Pansies.
  • Immortelle.
  • Inflorescences of lilac.
  • Poppy.

No less beautiful, and not having a detrimental effect on humans can be called:

  • Chamomile
  • Tea rose (rosehip).
  • Violet (but not nightly).
  • Tulip.
  • Buttercups.
  • Snowdrops.
  • Scaffolds.
  • Cloves.

Although the effects are sometimes unobvious, they do exist. Some boast that they sleep well in the presence of lilies of the valley.

In fact, this can lead to serious health problems in the future, especially if such dangerous flowers were in the bedroom for a long time.

How to arrange a flower garden on your own

After studying the question of which flowers are best to keep in the bedroom, the acquisition of plants, you can begin to arrange them in the room.

It’s best to make flower shelves with your own hands that are suitable for this particular room. There are a lot of options for shelves, their price also varies significantly. It all depends on the capabilities of the owner of the bedroom.

It can be:

  • Ladder.
  • Whatnot.
  • Original baskets hanging or located on the floor.

For work you will need:

  • Plywood.
  • Wooden boards.
  • Plastic.

Do not forget at the same time that the design of the plant for indoor flowers should have high strength so as not to destroy the plants. What flowers should be in the bedroom, it is recommended to look at the video - in this article only some samples of such plants are presented.

Care for indoor flowers

Indoor gardening can be attributed to a separate science. It found its development in countries where there are long, cold winters.

When growing indoor flowers at home, additional lighting is used, the room should not have drafts, sudden changes in temperature, the air is dry, otherwise indoor plants will not be able to successfully develop and bloom.

  • How not to be confused for a beginner among the variety and the huge number of indoor plants? The encyclopedia of indoor flowers will help you figure this out.
  • Care for indoor flowers, transplanting and preparing land for them requires carefully thought out actions.
  • The soil in most cases consists of turf land with a lot of clay and plant debris. Various humus lands are used, peat, heather, coniferous, leaf and dung. The lands of these types are obtained from decomposed substances that gave them names. Caring for indoor flowers is not complete without clean river sand.

Sand is added to all types of land, the proportion used is from 1/10 to 1/6 of the total land:

  • Propagation of indoor flowers is carried out by sowing, related to the natural method or by dividing cuttings, vaccinations (artificial way).
  • For sowing, flower seeds are purchased in specialized stores, the price of one bag depends on the number of seeds in them.
  • Most of the plants need an annual transplant, and some feel better with 2-3 transplants over the summer.

Attention: Spring refers to the best period for transplants; at this time, growth begins after winter rest of plants.

In the southeast of the room you can safely place flowers that grow well and bloom on this side:

  • These include all types of begonias, uzambar violets, Kalanchoe, citrus fruits and cyclamens.
  • In the eastern sector, dracaena, ficus, monstera, philodendron, yucca and bamboo feel great. They perfectly tone up, living in apartments and houses of owners.
  • Monstera   beneficial effect on the best digestion of food, so its place is where the family gathers at the table for eating.
  • Bamboo   symbolizes good health and longevity.
  • Work area located in the north-eastern sector should be decorated with a fat girl, which increases efficiency, and if you dig a coin into the ground and decorate the branches with red ribbons, then the financial situation of the family will improve.

Household flowers for the bedroom prevent the entry of harmful energy from the north. These include any of the climbing plants - alocasia, ivy, creepers, ferns. They give peace of mind to the soul, but have the ability to take energy and are vampire plants.

Attention: In the bedroom they do not belong, as well as cacti. Their place is near microwave ovens, televisions, computers.

  • If cacti are placed indoors on all four sides, then the house will be protected not only from negative energy, but also from thieves.
  • The northwest side refers to the place where you need to place aloe, chlorophytum.
  • They give strength and energy.
  • Chlorophytum releases a lot of oxygen and absorbs carbon dioxide.
  • In the western zone of the children's sector, ordinary garnet should be placed.
  • It is able to restore reproductive organs.
  • The instruction contains recommendations for placing on the southwestern side of chrysanthemums, roses, hydrangeas, lilies and orchids. They are able to increase the attractiveness of the hostess of the house.
  • The southern sector is decorated with pots of geranium, azalea, mallow.
  • 15 minutes spent near geranium, emitting odorous substances and essential oils, are sufficient for a surge of strength and energy.
  • Azalea evokes creativity in children.

What flowers are placed in the nursery

Parents are constantly concerned about how to help the baby develop harmoniously, to maintain his mental and physical health. Indoor plants can play an important role in this.

What flowers are placed in the bedroom of the child? There are several criteria for selection.


  • Plants should not be poisonous.
  • Do not have a smell.
  • There should be no thorns on it.
  • It is recommended to hide poisonous flowers as far as possible: oleanders, monstera, dieffenbachia, gardenia, orchids, lilies, which are distinguished by a heavy odor.

But what plants have a beneficial effect on children:

  • Creativity helps the child to show cyclamen with a barely noticeable delicate aroma. In addition, the plant can calm the nervous system, improve mood.
  • Significantly increases the ability to work fat woman, which is very important for the student.
  • The attentiveness will be enhanced by the xiphoid fern, which is a real helper for all children and adults who want to learn a foreign language.
  • Know-it-all cissus is useful, causing an irresistible desire to discover something new for yourself.
  • Banish nightmares and improve adiantum sleep.
  • Calla can improve vision, hearing and smell.
  • To drive away depression will help salinolemia.
  • Hippeastrum helps calm the nervous system and clear the air of germs.

Everyone chooses indoor plants to their liking and nature. It is important that they bring benefits and good mood to all family members. The main thing is to thoroughly understand what flowers can be kept in the bedroom.

During the design of the space, flowers in the interior of the apartment help to solve important problems. With their help, it is easy to emphasize the advantages of the room or mask the flaws, divide the room into zones, create a unique atmosphere. To avoid decoration-related errors, review the information provided before starting work.

Indoor flowers as part of the interior

Making out the living space, it is worth noting that the design should not only please the eye, but also provide comfort. The arrangement of flowers in the interior of the apartment should be arranged so that the room is not cluttered, but its advantages are emphasized. The interior with flowers in the apartment looks more comfortable, has indisputable advantages:

  • the abundance of greenery relieves eye fatigue, helps to relax after a difficult working day;
  • fresh flowers regulate humidity, purify the air;
  • plants are able to optically change the proportions of the room.

It does not matter if you use fresh flowers in the interior of your home or use artificial analogues, you must adhere to the following recommendations. Plants, regardless of their origin, should:

  • correspond to the dimensions of the room;
  • combined with the existing decor, decoration;
  • to harmonize with the color scheme, the general concept of interior design.

Important! Owners of miniature rooms should consider that a composition containing large plants in the background, and smaller ones in front of them, creates the illusion of perspective, visually expands the space.

Fresh flowers in pots

Real greenery located in the room will be a win-win option for those who like plants, who are willing to care for them. Unpretentious dracaena, delicate orchids, popular ficus and palm trees have become familiar neighbors in our residents. When placing fresh flowers on the wall in the interior, on shelves or in the window area, consider the suggested recommendations:

  • Do not stop at the traditional option of placing plants using the windowsill. Create compositions using stands, racks, place pots directly on the floor.
  • Do not mix traditional and trendy home plants. For example, "grandmother" violets are easily replaced with azaleas.
  • Creating a floral interior in the apartment, pay attention to the colors of the pots. They should be combined with each other, in harmony with the interior. A win-win option will be gentle pastel tones that perfectly fit into any interior.


Artificial greens will be a wonderful solution for those who want to diversify the interior, but do not have the opportunity to fully care for living plants. When composing compositions, do not occupy all window sills and corners with pots, use imagination. For example, artificial flowers on the wall will look original. Before you begin, study the advice of professionals:

  • The composition of artificial plants will look great on a coffee table - it does not need a lot of light, and the coating will not deteriorate, because you do not need to water them.
  • Tall flowers look great in floor vases. Such a solution will be an excellent decoration for the living room, hallway.
  • Artificial climbing plants can be nicely arranged on the wall. They will not spoil from a lack of light, they will not have to be sprayed, which will help maintain the finish.


Large flowers in the home interior feel great in spacious, free areas. They will be a wonderful decoration for rooms equipped with windows throughout the wall. Large species are considered, the size of which exceeds 1.5 meters. Individual plants can reach the ceiling.

Large flowers can be arranged individually or become part of a composition with more miniature counterparts. Such ensembles become an excellent solution for recreation areas, as they are able to create a unique atmosphere for relaxation. When planning the use of such options, consider some of the nuances:

  • do not place large plants on window sills - they will look bad there and lack light;
  • flower pots play a big role, they must be in harmony with the decor, fit into the concept of the design of the room;
  • large plants with a spreading crown will optically increase the room, tall copies visually raise the ceiling.


Today, randomly arranged flowers in a room whose interior is created with the latest fashion trends replace stylish compositions. Popular miniature gardens located on the wall or on the windowsill, florariums. Predatory flowers, rare exotic plants, and giant specimens will bring special flavor to the room.

Large-sized houses will help create a home greenhouse: dracaena, palm tree, coffee tree. Floor flower pots in the interior help visually change the configuration of the room, hide flaws. If you build them in a row, you get a hedge that allows you to divide the functional zones.

Using florariums (aquariums for plants) it is easy to create a miniature garden that will make succulents, orchids, ferns feel great.

Beautiful indoor flowers

Household flowers in the interior should not be the result of impulsive shopping. When planning their acquisition, it is worthwhile to think over the compositions in advance, to seriously approach the choice of copies. In addition, it is worth evaluating the compliance of the selected place with the habitat conditions of the plant, its functional significance.

Most of the plants will look beautiful only with sufficient lighting, this should be considered when buying, arrange flowers so that they receive enough sun or organize additional lighting, which is associated with costs.

For kitchen

A cache-pot in the interior of the kitchen will allow diversifying the design, creating accents pleasing to the eye. On the windowsill, many plants easily coexist, ranging from familiar violets to exotic ferns.

A feature of the kitchen is temperature extremes, high humidity. Selecting plants is based on these parameters. Such conditions will provide an excellent habitat for:

  • aloe;
  • ficus;
  • ivy;
  • miniature fruit trees.

When planning the design of the kitchen, keep in mind that the plants should be ordered and look neat. They can be placed directly on the table instead of the cut ones. The flowers should look healthy, they should be free from pests. Sharp, stupefying aromas are unacceptable for this room.

For the bedroom

To decorate the bedroom, you can use a variety of instances. Plants are easy to place on the floor, window sills, create a composition on the wall, bedside table, coffee table.

Since the bedroom is a place to relax, we spend a lot of time here, you should avoid species whose representatives are capable of emitting toxic substances. This will lead to constant headaches, malaise. Do not choose flowers with a rich aroma. Also, experts do not recommend using lilies that actively absorb oxygen to decorate the bedroom. The ideal option for the bedroom will be:

  • spathiphyllum;
  • violet;
  • myrtle;
  • kalanchoe.

Choosing the option for the bedroom, you do not have to worry about the opinions of the guests, as they rarely visit this room. You can make a composition to your taste and enjoy it.

For dark rooms

If the apartment is located on the north side, its windows are closed with tree crowns, choose plants that can easily tolerate the shade. Decorative-leafy options perfectly tolerate dimming, decorate a room shrouded in twilight.

It is easy to arrange such a composition in any convenient place. Can be placed on the windowsill, placed on the wall or on the floor. Specialists note shade-loving plants that have become popular:

  • philodendron;
  • fern;
  • scindapsus;
  • aglaonema.

When choosing a shade-like specimen, keep in mind that it can be located on the windowsill if direct sunlight does not fall on it. Depending on the light, the green pet can be placed at a distance of 3 to 9 meters from the window. A standard apartment is able to provide maximum distance from bright light, placing the plant at the end of the corridor, bathroom.

For the bathroom

It is doubly pleasant to take water procedures surrounded by living plants. Here, the copies that prefer dusk and high humidity coexist perfectly. If there is no window in the bathroom, you will have to periodically take the plants out into the light, add additional lighting. The bathroom will be comfortable with the following plants:

  • tropical species;
  • fern;
  • ficus;
  • chlorophyttum.

Important! Bathroom - a place that is undeservedly forgotten by lovers of home plants. A miniature room can be decorated with small plants located on shelves. If you have a bathroom of impressive size - diversify the correct shapes with an exotic tree in a tub.

In the living room

Flowers in the living room will be an excellent solution when it is free enough, not overloaded with various furniture. Having opted for large specimens, such as dracaena, yucca, it is easy to further expand the space optically.

Choosing ampelous plants, small perennials, as well as curly, weaving options for the living room, you can create a comfortable, cozy atmosphere in the room. When arranging the composition, consider the characteristics of the plants, moving the photophilous closer to the light source.

In the hall

Here it will be comfortable for species that are able to develop even with a lack of light. Plants should have strong leaves, insensitive to constant touch, lush bushes. It is important that the pots in which the flowers are placed are low and heavy, resistant to capsizing.

The ficus, fern, hederes ivy, cissus will become a luxurious decoration of the hallway. However, even such shade-tolerant plants need periodic movement to a sunny place. Otherwise, they will lose their decorativeness, perish. As an alternative, you can use artificial greens.

When gardening, keep in mind that plants must be placed taking into account the peculiarities of caring for them, the rules of design. When choosing a place for permanent living, study the conditions that will be optimal for its development.

Blooming specimens often prefer a well-lit area, ferns, representatives of the dracaena family are able to feel great in shaded conditions.

How to place flowers on the windowsill?

Window sill remains the most common option for the location of plants. Best for this are windows facing south, west or east. The north side will be a good solution for greens that prefer shade.

The south side, constantly lit by the bright sun, is an excellent option for succulents, cacti, oleander, roses. On the western - citrus fruits, tradescantia, coffee will comfortably settle down. Eastern - will become a cozy place for azaleas, Dieffenbachia, fuchsia, and bulbous.

Placing flowers on the floor

Natural greenery will feel comfortable on the floor if it is high enough and will receive the necessary amount of light. A large, heavy pot will make the flower unsafe if placed on a table or window sill.

Placing plants on a stand

Flowers with hanging branches, curved leaves deteriorate when placed on the surface of the windowsill, cabinet, shelf. Their decorativeness is revealed only when using various coasters. Hanging containers, floor structures allow you to create compositions in any part of the room.

Placing flowers on the walls

The wall turns into a green zone when it is necessary to create a bright accent in the room, to give it personality. To keep the air moist and not to spoil the finish, select deep vessels equipped with a capacious tray.

Flowers in the living room, the design of which you plan in advance, must be in harmony with the surface on which you will place:

  • Juicy greens, bright flowers will look great on delicate, pastel surfaces. Plants with variegated leaves, numerous pale flowers will be lost against a similar background, but will look great on a dark wall.
  • Avoid specimens with small leaves if you chose a wall with a small pattern as the background. Views with large, spreading foliage will look wonderful on it.
  • Combine contrasts, shapes. A strict vertical pattern will enliven a luxurious climbing plant.

How to choose indoor plants for home

Greenery allows you to refresh the interior, give home comfort. Before you make a purchase. It is worth planning what plants you will acquire, where they will stand. Due to the variety of species, you can choose an option that will fully match the interior, emphasize its individuality. For example, in a room decorated in hi-tech style, copies with large leaves of the correct form will look wonderful. In addition, it is worth taking care of the compliance with the conditions in the room.


Most flowering plants are considered photophilous. For the buds to be distilled, they need a sufficient level of lighting, otherwise they will bloom less often, not so abundantly. Choosing options for landscaping a solar window, it is worth considering where future pets grow in a real environment.

It is easy to determine photophilous species not only by fleshy leaves or the presence of thorns. Often they have bright, decorative leaves, the color of which consists of two or more flowers. It is worth noting that placing them in the back of the room, you will not lose a green friend, but its decorativeness will disappear.


Shade-hardy specimens are much more difficult to pick up, but they are easy to care for and feel great in a darkened room. The popularity of creating floral arrangements on walls, special stands is growing, so you have to be more strict about the selection of plants that can withstand the proposed conditions of detention, remain decoration of the interior. The illumination provided by artificial lighting is enough for them, they are perfectly used to the conditions that the far part of the room can provide.


When choosing exotic options, keep in mind that today experts distinguish several types of exotics:

  • predators - their maintenance is troublesome, but can impress any guest;
  • home fruit plants - will please not only with decorativeness, but also with delicious fruits;
  • plants with large flowers - have a high decorativeness during flowering;
  • views with decorative leaves - allow you to enjoy their beauty year-round.

Irina Davydova

Reading time: 10 minutes

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The health of office workers is affected by many harmful factors that green friends can help manage. Therefore, the benefits of indoor plants in the office are obvious.

7 facts about the benefits of plants in the office

  • Oxygen saturation
      In the office, where dozens of people are sitting, a lot of carbon dioxide. This phenomenon is called "stuffiness." Plants in the process of their life absorb carbon dioxide exhaled by humans and produce oxygen. Therefore, in rooms where there are many plants, the air is fresh.
  • Air disinfection
      In crowded places, there is an increased concentration of bacteria and microbes in the air. Coniferous plants - juniper, rosemary possess bactericidal properties. Chlorophytum, indoor citrus fruits and laurel also cope with this task.
  • Eye Health Benefits
      Working at a computer creates a big strain on vision. “The eyes rest on the green,” says folk wisdom. Therefore, the proximity of plants to monitors is very useful.
  • Maintaining humidity
    Air conditioning and central heating dry the air, and plants can moisturize it. Caring for green friends involves frequent watering and spraying, which already improves the microclimate. In addition, plants additionally release excess moisture through the leaves. Thus, the humidity of the entire room is optimized.
  • Protection against harmful substances
      From the street through the windows penetrate salts of heavy metals, toxins, car exhausts. These substances neutralize asparagus, dieffenbachia, ivy and philodendron.
  • Antistess
      Many plants have a pleasant smell and have a calming effect. And stress at work is inevitable. Therefore, it is useful to have mint in a pot, oregano, basil or lemon balm on the windowsill. These same plants improve the brain activity of a person, which makes them indispensable for a working person.
  • Tobacco filtering
      In places of general smoking, pelargonium, aspidistra or clivia can be placed. But they need to be placed in such a way that the pot does not become an ashtray. And, of course, from time to time to take the plant to fresh air so that it regains strength.

Criteria for choosing a plant for the office

  • Do not forget that plants are living organisms , and office routines can kill them.
  • Do not start capricious roses, orchids or gloxinia   on the office desk.
  • It’s not worth it to start cacti . It is very difficult to provide the cold wintering necessary for them under working conditions. And their ability to absorb harmful radiation from computers is just a myth.
  • Office is Spartan conditions for green brothers: not all plants can survive the ten-day New Year holidays, uneven watering and vandalism of irresponsible staff, including pouring the rest of the tea into a pot.

10 best office plants - which flowers to choose in the office?

  1. Sansevieria, or simply - “mother-in-law's tongue”.   It is not picky about living conditions, tolerates drought and drafts. Its dense hard leaves are difficult to break, and if they are damaged, the plant will easily survive the loss.

      "Mother-in-law's tongue" is insensitive to temperature changes, can live long without a transplant. In addition, there are many types of sansevieriah, both huge large-sized, standing on the floor, and small "reeds" for the windowsill. The color of this plant varies from a plain dark green to a motley white-yellow-green.
  2. Monstera    It has long been grown in offices, hospitals and schools.

      Very resistant unpretentious plant. Feels good under artificial light.
  3. Beautiful and unpretentious zamioculcas recently appeared on office windowsills.

      It is able to tolerate low temperatures. Such a plant will not freeze even on a cold, not insulated window sill.
  4. Saintpaulia, or violets.   About these flowers they say that they can grow in a spoon of land. It happens that an office violet stands in stone-dry land, and at the same time it also blooms. This confirms her unpretentiousness.

      In addition, the violet is very beautiful. There are varieties with double, semi-double flowers, flowers in the form of huge stars, reaching 8 cm in diameter, striped violets - chimeras, mini varieties with a small outlet diameter - only 7 cm. On one windowsill, you can collect a large collection of such crumbs.
  5. Spacifillum.   He is a little moody, but he cleans the air faster than anyone.

      The only condition he needs is regular, but moderate watering.
  6. Another unpretentious plant is bamboo.    It is sold immersed in a vessel with water.

      Only periodically add water. Bamboo looks just great, fits perfectly into the oriental style of the room.
  7. Chlorophytum   - a very hardy plant, in addition, it is an absolute record holder for air purification.

      Chlorophytum can withstand a month of complete drought, can live for a long time in one pot without a transplant, unless it releases a bunch of kids out. Such a plant can fully exist and please the eye for up to 10 years.
  8. Dracaena, or Yucca.   Mexican deserts are considered the birthplace of these plants, for this reason they tolerate temperature extremes and drought.

      But they can’t live without full sunshine, therefore you should not keep yucca and dracaena in the basement.
  9. Dieffenbachia   He loves intensive watering, drops drought in drought.

      It is also demanding on good lighting, but it is not recommended to put it in direct sunlight. Beautiful and motley dieffenbachia will decorate any office.
  10. Benjamin ficus, or rubbery ficus - classic office plants. Under adverse conditions, leaves are dropped, like trees in the fall.

      They love the sun, moderate humidity and cannot tolerate waterlogging of the soil. Ficus effectively purifies the air and produces a large amount of oxygen. Therefore, doctors advise him for children's rooms.

Where to place plants in the office?

  • Large plants - for example, a palm tree or large dieffenbachia - should be located in the head's office or in reception rooms. There they will look more organic.
  • Small potted plants are more suitable for placement on the desktop, window sill, as well as on a flower shelf.
  • For a successful arrangement of a pot with a plant, all factors must be taken into account. For example, being near a battery, a constantly opening door, an air conditioner that will constantly blow on a flower and drafts. After all, it is important that the plant delights you as long as possible.
  • An important role in determining the place is the phytodesign of the office. Flowers and evergreens should look organically in the interior. The saturation of the premises with flowers makes the office a greenhouse and creates a frivolous appearance of the organization.
  • The absence or lack of plants in the office creates excessive rigor. This room lacks the zest that is created by floral arrangements.

Office plants are part of nature in our highly urbanized world.

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