How to get rid of homemade fungus. How to get rid of mold on the walls with folk remedies


The fungus on the walls is a living organism. Any room contains spores of various fungi and molds, and as soon as a favorable environment for their reproduction arises, they immediately begin to germinate. Fungi show themselves as a black bloom on the walls of the room, on window sills and slopes, on the seams between the tiles in the bathroom. Areas affected by mold spoil the aesthetic appearance of the apartment, and most importantly, harm health.

Remove mold from concrete wall a solution of copper sulfate will help.

When mold germinates, a large number of fungal spores into the air. This is especially detrimental to children or people with weak immune systems, causing allergic reactions, skin diseases, bronchial asthma, aspergillosis and even cancer. If a fungus is found on the walls in the room, then it must be dealt with immediately.

Classification of fungi

Most often in Everyday life a person is faced with the following types of fungi:

  1. Molds germinate on concrete, stone painted surfaces. They manifest themselves in areas colored black, brown, blue or green color... Such mold can completely destroy the materials used in construction and decoration;
  2. Blue fungi attack wood material. The walls turn gray-blue. Penetrating through the varnished surface, they allow water to flow in after them and mold germination. Among tree species pine is especially unstable to the effects of the blue fungus;
  3. Rotting fungi mainly damage wood materials... Rotting fungi are bacterial, brown and white. When infected with bacterial rot, the tree collapses from the inside, the wall turns dark gray, and the strength of the wood decreases. If the wall is damaged by white rot, the cellulose is completely destroyed. Even thick oak boards can become unusable in 1 month. Brown rot spores lead to wood splitting.

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Why does fungus appear on the wall?

Many factors can contribute to the multiplication of fungal spores. These can be problems with ventilation, a malfunction of the sewage system, defects in construction and decoration. All the reasons for the appearance of fungus on the walls are reduced to high humidity and low air temperature in the room.

Reasons for the appearance of fungus on the walls:

  1. Excessive humidity in the room - more than 60%. Moisture increases due to faulty ventilation.
  2. Uninsulated walls that freeze in cold weather.
  3. Lack or malfunction of heating.
  4. Unsatisfactory brickwork quality.
  5. Error in laying insulation between horizontal and vertical foundations.
  6. The presence of plastic windows that impede air exchange.
  7. Lack or malfunction of ventilation.
  8. Sewer leaks and moisture build-up.

In order to prevent fungus from appearing on the walls, it is necessary to monitor the microclimate in the apartment. Check the ventilation first. To do this, open a window or door and use a piece of paper, a stream of smoke or a candle flame to check the operation of the ventilation holes. If there is poor air circulation in the room, then you can additionally install an electric fan to extract air. In addition, it is necessary to provide air exchange with the street through the window. When choosing modern plastic windows, you should take care of the availability of supply window valves, climate control systems, climatic valves. The best option is the installation of an automatic supply valve. It opens and closes itself depending on the humidity in the room.

In addition, there should be plenty of natural light in the room. If the sun's rays do not penetrate the room, then curtains and curtains can be opened. Every day it is necessary to thoroughly ventilate the apartment at least 2 times. It is recommended to wipe the walls and floors with antifungal agents once a month. For this purpose whiteness or hydrogen peroxide can be used. If there are geraniums or violets in the apartment, then perhaps they are the breeding ground for fungi.

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Ways to kill fungi on the walls

If measures to prevent the growth of mold on the walls did not help and black or dark green spots still appeared in the apartment, then you should effectively deal with them.

Stages of fighting fungus on the walls:

  1. Protect the respiratory system with a special medical mask. Put gloves on your hands.
  2. Use a metal brush to clean the surfaces affected by fungal spores as much as possible. Remove all finishing materials from the affected wall.
  3. Remove the layer of plaster from the affected area.
  4. Treat concrete, block or bricks with a liquid waterproofing layer.
  5. Wait until the waterproofing is completely dry.
  6. Plaster the wall again.
  7. Trace the wall for dampness for several weeks.
  8. Prime with an antibacterial antifungal agent.

There are many effective means to destroy the fungus on the walls. This and all kinds industrial drugs domestic and foreign firms, solutions prepared at home.

Unpleasant dark mildew stains spoil appearance premises, and also provoke the occurrence of other problems: deterioration finishing materials on affected surfaces; detrimental effects on the health of people in the room. If, nevertheless, mold has formed on the wall in the apartment - what to do in such cases? To begin with, it is recommended to determine the root causes of this phenomenon, and then begin to deal with its consequences using different types of means (homemade and ready-made special).

If dark, and in some places black spots appear on the walls, this means that the surface has been attacked by mold. Her disputes are normally contained in air environment, their size varies within 2-8 microns. These are small particles that are relatively harmless, however, only as long as the basic parameters of the air and walls do not change: constantly elevated temperature, as well as humidity indicators.

If mold spores fall on a well-moistened surface (at temperatures above +20 degrees and a humidity level of more than 40-60%), then after a while they will germinate, first forming small and then extensive spots. The reasons for the appearance of mold in the apartment:

  1. Freezing of walls, which takes place under some conditions: low efficiency of the heating system; significant temperature drops in adjacent rooms; the presence of cold bridges is the result of poorly executed thermal insulation; a similar phenomenon is also observed on interblock seams.
  2. Elevated... The fight against mold and mildew in the apartment often begins after the appearance of dampness in the room. In this case, the cause of mold may be insufficiently dried walls of a multi-storey new building, as well as an unsuccessful location of the object relative to the main direction of the wind in a particular area, which leads to constant wetting of the walls during rain, which falls under the canopy. Another reason lies in the use of poor quality building materials. Also common reason dampness in the apartment is insufficient sealing of the room due to poor-quality external waterproofing of the walls and seams between the panels.
  3. Ineffective ventilation indoors or on one of the wall surfaces. This can be caused by an erroneous arrangement of pieces of furniture (too tight fit), the installation of sealed plastic windows in the absence of forced ventilation. The risk factor for contamination of ventilation ducts should not be swept aside. Then, before deciding how to remove mold from the walls in your apartment, you need to remove the blockage.

Important: If these issues are not resolved before removing the mold from the walls, then even after processing with special agents, the surface will regularly become covered with dark mold spots.

It should not be delayed with the elimination of this phenomenon, since the fungus can negatively affect the people living in such a room.

Why mold is dangerous in an apartment:

  • difficulty breathing, up to the appearance of asthma, as well as chronic diseases (bronchitis, laryngitis, etc.) in a once healthy person;
  • allergic reactions;
  • chronic rhinitis;
  • skin problems (dermatitis, eczema, etc.);
  • diseases of the organs of vision (conjunctivitis) occur.

In the case when health problems have arisen for no apparent physiological reason, you need to consider the option of fungus formation and make a decision as quickly as possible how to remove mold from the walls in the apartment.

How to eliminate mold - an overview of folk and special remedies

There are always compounds (alcohol-containing, acids) at hand that have a detrimental effect on mold fungi. But before using any of the mold remedies, you need to do a test for small area walls.

Popular mold removers:

Tip: You should be careful when using ammonia and bleach, as mixing these substances can lead to the release of toxic gas.

But in addition to household, improvised compositions, special means can also be used to remove mold, for example, ALPA, TIKKURILA products, namely Fongifluid, Senezh Effo, Homeenpoisto.

Phased execution of work to remove the fungus

When deciding how to process the mold on the wall in the apartment, you must first prepare the surface. For this purpose, the surface is cleaned of a layer of old plaster / wallpaper or other finishing material. If you process only the outer surface, forgetting that the mycelium penetrates deep into the wall, the mold will reappear very quickly.

Further actions:

Advice: If you plan to stick wallpaper, then the adhesive must necessarily have anti-fungal properties and be characterized by moisture resistance.

The most suitable way to decorate rooms with an increased risk of mold growth is paint. If you have a question of how to get rid of the smell of mold in your apartment, you should treat the surface with compounds characterized by a deodorizing effect (tea tree oil, soda solution) at the preparation stage.

The fungus suddenly appears in the house and often becomes the causative agent of diseases, including allergies. Detecting and killing mold is extremely important. How to get rid of fungus on the walls folk remedies at home, you will find out in today's article.

Molds have a suppressive effect on the human immune system. As a result, people in whose house the attack has settled develop chronic diseases. In addition, dark spots significantly spoil the interior.

To get rid of the fungus on the walls in an apartment and a house, first of all, you will have to establish the cause of its appearance. Miniature mold spores are present in water and air. Once in a supportive environment, they begin to grow rapidly.

Poor ventilation and high level humidity. Mold is the simplest fungus that likes damp, poorly ventilated rooms. In most cases, the problem appears in damp houses and apartments located on the ground floor. Although, if it is wrong to humidify the room or force it tropical plants, mold and mildew will appear in the most unexpected places.

There is no finishing or building material that is not susceptible to the appearance of fungus. A common place of appearance is a bathroom or toilet, however, it is often found in refrigerators, on wallpaper, walls corner apartments.

The most effective folk remedies


Regular bleach containing sodium hypochlorite will eliminate almost all types of fungal mold. This active substance kills the fungus along with the spores. The bleach is used to clean floors, glass, tiles, and walls. Just remember, under its influence, some things can deteriorate or lose color.

Bleach can corrode the skin. I recommend using it in a well-ventilated area, after putting on rubber gloves... For surface treatment, use a mixture of ten parts water and one part bleach.

Table vinegar

A mild acid that helps get rid of mold. Vinegar has a pronounced odor, but does not emit vapors hazardous to health. To combat mold, apply vinegar to the surface with a spray bottle, and after an hour rinse thoroughly with water and ventilate the room. As a preventive measure, spray the problem surface with vinegar once a week.

Hydrogen peroxide

You can kill fungus on the walls with hydrogen peroxide. This antibacterial agent is sold in any pharmacy. Does not contain toxins and does not have a pungent odor. The medicine removes the fungus on various materials, but use with caution on a painted surface, since peroxide is characterized by a whitening effect.


Often, ammonia is used to destroy the fungus. It demonstrates the greatest efficiency on a hard surface, and shows an insignificant effect on a porous material. To eliminate the fungus, mix ammonia with water in equal amounts and spray on the infected area. Wash off the mixture after a few hours.

Have ammonia acrid odor causing headache and sore throat. It is strictly forbidden to mix ammonia with a bleaching agent, as the resulting liquid emits toxic gas.

Baking soda

You can fight fungus and mold on the walls by baking soda- a safe and natural cleaner. Using baking soda will not harm dogs and cats or family members. Dissolve a small spoonful of soda in a glass of water, and then spray the area affected by the fungus with the solution. Soda is not completely washed off, as it perfectly protects against the secondary appearance of fungal mold.

When you get rid of the adversity, solve part of the problem. You will have to make sure that the room is dry and fresh, otherwise the fungus will appear again.

Remember, working to eradicate fungus can be hazardous to your health. During the process, spores can enter the skin or lungs, which can be harmful to health. Do not forget about safety and precautions.

Step-by-step action plan against fungus in the apartment

Slime, gray coating, darkened walls and black corners are signs of fungus and mold in the apartment. When appear in the apartment favorable conditions, mold spores are actively developing. As a result, damaged surfaces appear in the room, which look ugly. Moreover, the fungus destroys wall coverings.

Fungal mold actively releases spores that the inhabitants of the dwelling have to breathe. Naturally, this is very harmful to health. If a fungus has appeared in the apartment, it means that the dwelling has a very high humidity, which, together with room temperature provides optimal conditions... First of all, the bathroom, toilet and kitchen are attacked.

  1. Normalization to equalize humidity ... Many people use antiseptics and fungicides for the fight, which perfectly destroy the fungus. This tactic, without eliminating the cause of the appearance of fungal mold, is not entirely correct. First of all, the level of humidity in the apartment is normalized.
  2. Checking ventilation and exhaust ... Check ventilation systems at home with a match, lighter or other source of fire. If the result is unsatisfactory, you will have to contact the appropriate authority to fix the problem. If ventilation is poor, try installing an outdoor fan.
  3. Checking the door seal ... A well-sealed door prevents normal air exchange. There should be ventilation holes at the bottom of the bathroom door. If the "perforated" door does not fit into the interior or you do not like this approach to solving the problem, increase the gaps between the door and the frame.
  4. Checking the windows in the apartment ... When choosing a window system, look at the presence of an air exchange system with environment- the street. Windows equipped with ventilation or climatic valves are for sale. Ideal - windows with supply valves... When the humidity in the room rises, they work in automatic mode, and after normalization of the indicator, they close.
  5. Removal of mold and mildew ... After eliminating the causes of the problem, proceed with active destruction-oriented actions. First, use a metal brush to remove any traces of the fungus. Use a respirator during the procedure to protect the respiratory system. Do not rinse the wall after mechanical removal is complete.
  6. Surface treatment with a special agent ... An antiseptic, fungicide, or the folk remedies discussed above will do. After applying the solution to the wall, wait a few hours for the drug to take effect.

If the room is not in a state of disrepair, using step by step recommendations bring it back to normal condition.

Methods for removing fungus in a private house

Even in a house with expensive renovations and excellent furniture, fungus can settle on the walls. Spores are constantly present in the air, which quickly develop under the influence of high humidity.

The fungus in the house not only spoils the interior and affects the comfort, it is dangerous to human health, as it causes asthma, allergies and other dangerous diseases.

  • Eliminate the prerequisites for the appearance of fungal mildew ... Reproduction is facilitated by a humid and insufficiently warm environment. Therefore, ventilate your home at all times. Leave the curtains open during the day to get enough sunlight into the rooms.
  • Do not block the ventilation . Ventilation holes keep the toilet and bathroom open. Be sure to install fans in these rooms. It is not uncommon for mold to occur inside old pipes, so change your plumbing if possible.
  • Leave space between walls and furniture ... As a result, the air will be able to circulate normally. Buy a special device that monitors the humidity level in your home. This will help prevent the fungus from reoccurring.
  • Clean out the affected areas ... To destroy the fungus, carefully clean the affected areas on the walls. Soda and vinegar will make the task easier. Sprinkle baking soda over the infected areas and sprinkle with vinegar on top. You may need to remove the putty layer if the spores have penetrated too deep. After the procedure, treat the surface with high temperature using a hair dryer or a large lamp.
  • Treat the walls with the composition of water and copper sulfate in equal proportions ... This treatment will help get rid of fungal mold. If there is no copper sulfate by hand, use an antiseptic. Special preparations are sold in hardware stores. Then apply the final finish to the walls.

Do not forget to regularly carry out prevention. Wipe the surfaces with a baking soda solution once a month or detergent with antifungal effect. Three tablespoons of baking soda is enough for a liter of water.

How to get rid of fungus on the walls and ceiling in the bathroom

If fungal mold has chosen an apartment, it means that an atmosphere prevails in the housing, characterized by dampness and poor ventilation. The fungus rarely "occupies" the entire living space. More often it creeps along the walls and ceiling of the bathroom or bathroom.

For mold, high humidity, warmth and poor air ventilation are heavenly conditions. For people living in an apartment, disputes are dangerous because they cause a cough, headache and even a skin rash. Take a close look at the bathroom before proceeding. This will help determine the location of the fungus and draw up an optimal control strategy.

Fungus on bathroom tiles

If you find fungal mold on the tiles, namely, tiles are most often used to decorate the walls in the bathroom, take the following steps.

  1. Check ventilation. If the work does not cause complaints, this is enough to eliminate the mold forever and prevent the problem from reoccurring. Otherwise, fix ventilation system or install an additional fan.
  2. It is not difficult to deal with a colony of fungus and mold, which chose tiles as a place of deployment. Clean, degrease and dry the tiles. At the end, process vinegar solution.
  3. After drying, treat the surface with a solution of soda. Take at least four tablespoons of baking soda per liter of liquid. Instead of vinegar essence, hydrogen peroxide, copper sulfate, or chlorine bleach will do.

Fungus on the seams of the tiles

If mold has settled on the seams of the tile, it is more difficult to get rid of. In the worst case, the seams will have to be sewn up.

  • Treat the seams with a baking soda solution using an old toothbrush. Whether the technique will work, you will find out after the treated surface has completely dried.
  • If the technique turns out to be ineffective, you will have to make some minor repairs. We'll have to embroider the seams, treat them with copper sulfate and seal them up with new grouting material containing an antiseptic.

Fungus on the ceiling in the bathroom

It is not uncommon for the spores to form a colony on the ceiling in the bathroom. We'll have to be patient and work hard, since the provided control measures are radical in nature.

  1. Remove whitewash or plaster from the ceiling. To facilitate the process and reduce the amount of dust ceiling surface moisten with a spray bottle.
  2. Be sure to treat the ceiling with a primer containing an antiseptic. Once dry, apply a coat of a penetrating primer that improves the adhesion of the ceiling to the filler.
  3. When the ceiling is dry, remove the defects with acrylic putty.
  4. All that remains is to grind the surface, prime and paint again.

If you want to save money, use a product called Whiteness. Saturate the ceiling with it, and then dry it well. True, I recommend using the method in an emergency, it will not provide a durable effect.

The question of how to remove mold on the walls in an apartment sooner or later begins to worry every housewife. it unpleasant phenomenon, spoiling not only the appearance of the room, but also causing significant harm to the health of households, needs to be removed immediately. Why are mold and mildew dangerous, which method will be more effective - professional remedy or folk methods and what should be done to prevent the appearance of mold?

The causes of mold on the walls of the apartment and its harm to the body

Before you figure out how to treat walls from mold, you need to understand what mold is. A fungus that develops from air spores and appears in rooms with high humidity and insufficient ventilation may be considered a serious hazard. Since high humidity is necessary for its occurrence, most often black spots appear in bathrooms, kitchens, in apartments on the first or last floors. You can find fungus anywhere: on air conditioner filters and in washing machines, on window frames and slopes, but walls remain a favorite place for mold.

FACT! An abundance of plants that love moisture and need frequent watering can also provoke mold in the room. Experts recommend not to abuse such landscaping of the apartment.

The emerging mold in the house is the result of illiterate construction, a poorly functioning ventilation system and high humidity. That is why getting rid of the fungus in the room is a whole complex of works to eliminate all the causes. The fungus washed off the walls will quickly return if the same humidity and temperature regime is maintained in the room.

Contrary to popular belief, mold on the ceiling and walls can easily appear not only in neglected houses, but also in quite solid buildings that are subject to frequent maintenance and full care. This is not without reason, because the main sources of infection are spores of fungus and mold, which in a small volume are able to move in the air together with dust and settle on various elements of the wall structure, creating real problematic foci.

Moreover, in addition to aesthetic restrictions, the development of a fungus can also cause more significant consequences, which are associated with the destruction of structural elements and a deterioration in the well-being of those living in the house. Bowel diseases, asthma, allergies - this is not yet full list threats than mold can be dangerous.

Considering the above, many home owners are very interested in the question of how to remove mold from the walls in an apartment, and at the same time prevent the manifestation of such a defect in the future? Let's deal with this.

Types of mold

There are several types of mold that can form in your residential building:

  • Green mold is the most common. You don't have to be afraid of it, because if you know how to properly remove mold from wallpaper, it will quickly disappear.
  • Dark green mold is more problematic, but it can also be removed easily if it is identified immediately and acted upon quickly.
  • White mold that looks like fluff - can spread almost imperceptibly. In a short time, it affects the entire room. It is definitely impossible to hesitate with a white look, since it is very dangerous to human health and it must be removed very carefully - only with a respirator and gloves.
  • Black - can cause severe disorders in the immune system of a weakened human body. It is the most dangerous of all types of domestic mold, it grows very quickly, and it is rather difficult to remove. You will have to process it with special chemical mixtures. At the end of the work, prevention is important so that the black fungus does not settle on your walls again.

Causes of mold on the walls

Of course, before starting the fight with such a very dangerous "enemy", you should find out why mold appears in order to nullify the possibility of such a disgusting deviation in the future.

The main condition for the appearance of mold on the walls in an apartment is excess moisture, which is a consequence of poor ventilation.

The appearance of fungus can also occur due to the strong cooling of the enclosing structures, which must also be taken into account in advance, before work is performed. For this, in the overwhelming majority of cases, walls, floors and foundations are insulated through the use of heat insulators.

Among the indirect causes of mold formation, there are also roof leaks, mistakes during construction operations, deterioration of the tightness of sewer and water supply systems.

Why is mold in an apartment dangerous?

Many people try to get rid of mold on the walls as quickly as possible, but some just think about it, not realizing the danger that it can inflict both on the human body and on the structure of the room and various subjects everyday life.

Let's find out why indoor mold is dangerous:

  • Dampness is a catalyst for many respiratory diseases. Once in the lungs of a person, spores of microorganisms can cause such unpleasant diseases as rhinitis, sinusitis, laryngitis, pneumonia and bronchitis. With constant inhalation of air polluted by the fungus, bronchial asthma can develop.
  • Mold microorganisms can cause various skin conditions such as dermatosis, dermatitis, mycosis, eczema, and psoriasis.
  • Fungal spores are strong allergens that penetrate the human respiratory tract and cause many serious diseases, from conjunctivitis to respiratory allergic dermatosis.
  • The fungus that lives in the bathroom is dangerous because it can settle on personal hygiene products, thus causing candidiasis and stomatitis.
  • Mold in an apartment can enter the human body through different food products. Accumulating in the human body, toxins cause kidney damage, cirrhosis of the liver begins.
  • When many toxins enter the human body, food mycotoxicosis may occur. It is dangerous in that it causes such unpleasant diseases as nausea, abdominal pain, diarrhea and loss of appetite. Moreover, more toxic substances easily affect the cardiovascular and nervous system causing depression and sleep disturbance.
  • The waste products of mold are very dangerous - aflatoxins, which cause the serious disease aflatoxicosis. Accumulating, this substance in the body of an adult can cause cell mutation, and subsequently a variety of oncological ailments. In children, this disease can even lead to death.
  • Mold is not limited human body... It causes enormous material damage, easily destroying the structure of walls and finishing materials (stone, wallpaper, concrete and leather), especially wood products and structures. Actinomycete fungus penetrates very deeply into materials, thus getting rid of it is almost impossible.

This is not a complete list of all the dangers that come with black mold. To preserve the health of yourself and your loved ones, do not wait for repairs, try to quickly get rid of this infection.

How to start removing mold

Complete elimination of mold can only be achieved if complex work is carried out. They include:

  • Frequent airing.
  • Treatment of contaminated surfaces with a special antiseptic.
  • Waterproofing of affected surfaces.

The main problem is that the wallpaper is moldy. Therefore, they will have to be ripped off. It seems that it will be enough to walk on the wallpaper with some special remedy for black mold on the walls and they will immediately take their previous appearance, but, unfortunately, this is not at all the case.

So, discard all doubts and rip off the wallpaper. The walls will need to be completely cleaned of wallpaper - both affected and unaffected areas.

Stages of processing walls from mold

So, how to get rid of the fungus on the wall in the apartment?

  • On the cleaned areas, apply a fungal mildew remover on the walls. How to remove the fungus? Many housewives use Domestos for this, but it is better to buy construction preparations - Senezh Effeo, Homeenpoisto (TIKKURILA) or Fongifluid (ALPA). With an indoor humidity of 65% and a temperature of 20 ° C, everything will dry out in 4-5 hours.
  • Treated wall surfaces contain organic degradation products. In this regard, brush over them (dry).
  • The walls are washed well with warm water. Then they need to be dried.
  • If the mold on the wall in the house was strong, the procedure must be repeated again after a few days. When processing, be sure to take into account the porosity of the selected surface.
  • One day after treatment with an antiseptic, you can already apply a special primer deep penetration, for example - Tiefgrund LF (DUFA), Euro Primer (TIKKURILA), or Universal "Arm Mix". A primer is necessary in order to maintain the overall breathability of the walls, to strengthen them well, and also to increase adhesion to the next finish. The primer also belongs to the means for eliminating mold, if it contains components that kill mold and mildew. It should be used without thinning in order to achieve maximum effect.
  • Then plaster, primer again and glue on new wallpaper. Glueing them after it turned out to eliminate the mold from the walls also has specific nuances. The glue should be purchased extremely moisture resistant, with anti-fungal qualities. Kelid Spec-Vinyl has proven itself well.

Experts advise to paint the walls quality paint for wet rooms... These paints are absolutely effective.

All painted surfaces will be dry as condensation will not form on them. If there is no moisture, then there will be no mold!

What to do if mold occurs due to poor-quality waterproofing, when even due to a little rain, the walls immediately become wet?

Ideally, housing needs to be processed from the outside, but if it is on the ninth floor, then this will be quite problematic. In this case, the walls facing the street must be treated from the inside several times with a drug called Polyfluid ALPA.

Traditional methods of dealing with mold

If fungus and mold was only affected small area walls, or household items, the most the best option to get rid of it is to use proven folk remedies. Of course, in terms of their effectiveness, they cannot be compared with professional highly toxic drugs, however, at least in this case, they will quite cope with their task. So, how to handle mold on the wall in the apartment?

  • Bleach. To fight with different kinds mold in the home is a great bleach to handle. A harmful substance for the fungus is sodium hypochlorite, which is always found in bleach. This product is only suitable for cleaning hard and smooth surfaces (any bathroom tiles, furniture, glass). Bleach is usually diluted 1:10 and then applied to the affected area with a spray bottle, brush or rag. For re-processing, it is necessary to wait for complete drying.
  • Vinegar. Has a pronounced and specific smell. At the same time, it does not emit hazardous vapors for human health. To remove fungus and mold, it is necessary to apply it in its pure form to the lesion by means of a spray, and after an hour, the surface should be rinsed with water and then ventilated. For good prevention, it is better to sprinkle the treated wall with vinegar for a while.
  • Hydrogen peroxide. You can remove all mold on the walls with hydrogen peroxide. A similar antibacterial agent is currently available in every pharmacy. This medication is odorless and contains no toxins. Easily removes fungus on so many materials, but you need to be careful with different painted surfaces as it can bleach them. The processing process is as follows: a 3% peroxide composition is taken and, using a spray, it processes the wall. 10 minutes for impregnation, then cleaning and rinsing of the treated area is necessary.
  • Laundry soap and urine. This product is great for removing mold from a wide variety of wood surfaces. For this, a special mixture of grated soap and urine is prepared. Then the finished solution should stand for a day. Then, after processing, the material must be allowed to dry, and then the remnants of this solution must be washed off.
  • Tea tree oil. This remedy is used to remove small lesions. The solution is prepared in proportion with water - 1:10. The treatment with this product is very simple. The solution is applied to the affected area with a spray bottle, and then dried.
  • Copper sulfate... The most famous folk remedy for black mold. The solution is prepared in the ratio of 100 g vitriol per 10 l of water. The treatment can be done with a spray gun or with a regular brush. Copper sulfate is undesirable if you plan to glue wallpaper on the treated area, because after itself it leaves a visible bloom of blue.
  • Bura. Considered to be the true leader in mold elimination of all of the above methods. Bura is natural material... It is not dangerous to human health at all. The consistency of its dilution with water is one in ten. Apply to all affected areas with a special stiff brush. It is necessary to proceed to the final finishing of the treated area only after the surface has completely dried.


Now let's find out how to keep the house from reappearance mold.

  • The most common cause of mold spreading is poor room ventilation. So check the cravings in your ventilation ducts by means of a lighted match. If the fire of the match does not deflect towards the channel, there is no thrust. To eliminate such a problem, you must contact your local utility service.
  • Another reason for very poor ventilation is plastic windows great tightness. By setting special valves ventilation on all windows, you will ensure a constant supply of new fresh air... Do not place furniture very close to walls covered with wallpaper, as it is in closed places that mold appears.
  • To prevent mold from appearing under the wallpaper, ventilate the area regularly. It is advisable to periodically open windows, vents in the house for some periods of time. It is better to paint the jambs of window openings with special hydrophobic paints.
  • Increased dampness of building materials, insufficient insulation between panels and other defects in repairs can also cause the formation of fungus. Simple rain that flows not through special drains, but through outside the walls of a building can cause it to get very wet. In these cases, be sure to ask the residential organization to eliminate such problems.
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